In Geldermalsen, Betuwewind has realized the impressive fast charging plaza WattHub. This charging plaza allows more than forty construction vehicles and trucks to be supplied with electricity simultaneously. WattHub plays a crucial role in the emission-free dike reinforcement between Tiel and Waardenburg, despite the scarcity on the electricity grid, thanks to flexible contracts.
In order to carry out the dike reinforcement of Tiel and Waardenburg, commissioned by the Rivierenland Water Board, there was a need for a quick-charge plaza to supply large equipment and trucks with sustainable electricity. Because such a fast-charging plaza did not yet exist, "Mekante Diek," the form of cooperation between the companies Dura Vermeer, Van Oord and Ploegam, started looking for an alternative solution and ended up with the citizen wind cooperative Betuwewind. Mekante Diek (Betuws for Markante Dijk) entered into discussions with Gerlach Velthoven, director of Betuwewind, to look at possibilities. Gerlach was immediately enthusiastic and determined to get started.
Liander provides backup power
WattHub, completed on July 1, 2023, is located on the Avri site in Geldermalsen, next to the A15, windmills and solar panels. It is powered by renewable electricity from Betuwewind and may in the future use solar energy from Avri Solar.
It was important that the batteries in the charging bay should always be full before the working day started. During night hours, when there is usually space available on the electricity grid, Betuwewind now uses power from the grid in case there is insufficient wind during the night. For the remaining moments, Liander has entered into a capacity-limiting contract with Betuwewind and Avri Solar BV. This flexible form of contract allows Liander to call on entrepreneurs to temporarily reduce the feed-in of power. This creates more space on the grid, and the grid operator can realize additional connections for the wind and solar farms.
For example, Liander recently ordered Betuwewind to supply two megawatts less power back for one hour to avoid overloading the grid. Betuwewind neatly complied with this order, and any revenue losses were compensated. In this way, the share of renewable energy in the region is growing and we prevent overloading the grid. Gerlach: "It's great to see how the available flex space is being used locally in a successful way!"
This project shows that flexibilizing energy demand is necessary to make optimal use of the grid. Because flexibility is necessary now, and will soon be the norm.